Mumbai: In the bustling city of Mumbai, an intelligent young woman named Leena Lal was born on September 13, 1995. Lena’s story is one of following her passion, overcoming challenges, and growing from a young dancer to a big star.Leena’s love for dance started at an early age. He was fascinated by the lively rhythms and energetic dancing of Bollywood music. Although acting was not his original plan, people around him saw his potential in acting. But his real dream was to become a psychologist who wanted to understand and help people.The turning point was when Leena got the opportunity to participate in the Miss Kerala India 2020 pageant. This experience changed his thinking and led to his interest in acting. Moments of success encouraged him to explore new and exciting opportunities.Leena is not only an actress, but also a psychologist, someone who helps others with their thoughts and feelings. He achieved milestones including becoming one of the youngest medical doctors in India. This unique approach helps identify health problems by understanding conflicts of deep emotions. He also showed his versatility by winning the University’s Fresh Faces Runners Championship in 2012.